Dave Silver Photography: Blog https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog en-us (C) Dave Silver Photography [email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:46:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:46:00 GMT 2015 BCSS Ski and Snowboard Provincial Championships https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2015/3/2015-bcss-ski-and-snowboard-provincial-championships What a great three days at Revelstoke Mountain Resort! Here's a few of my favourites from the event or click here to see all the pics from me and Agathe Bernard Photography.

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[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2015/3/2015-bcss-ski-and-snowboard-provincial-championships Sun, 08 Mar 2015 19:33:02 GMT
Jutland spring ski https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/3/jutland-spring-ski Access to good backcountry skiing on Vancouver Island tends to be time consuming, it's challenging to find a good skiing objective as a day trip.  There are plenty of options out there but be prepared to work for it.

DS_140321_5269DS_140321_5269 Mount Jutland (rounded peak on the right) has some super fun lines.  An early start (sunrise for us) to cover lots of ground (roughly 28kms round trip) worked out well for us.  It's a beautiful rolling tour to get to the base of the mountain as long as the trail breaking goes smoothly.


Fresh hard fast groomers gave us a great jumpstart on the day.


This is one of the few areas on the Island that does not include a bushwack, you do get to traverse a small lake.


5 cm's of fresh snow and cold overnight temps made the walking quite nice.


Castlecraig and Frink another option from this point.


It's always nice to skin right to the summit. It's a thin snowpack for march on the island.


Albert Edward and Mount Regan tower over Gem Lake.


Looking back at Mount Washington.


Summit party!


Surprisingly nice turns on the dust on crust.


Hero Snow.

The sun warmed up the snow for the ski out and made travel a bit slower for tired legs, still a worthy day objective in the right conditions.

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Vancouver Island backcountry skiing https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/3/jutland-spring-ski Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:50:27 GMT
Pogo Mountain https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/3/pogo-mountain Pogo is quite the tease as you drive by it on the way to the west coast of Vancouver Island, standing out just after you crest Sutton pass.  We managed to catch a lucky weather/stability window. Despite a low snow-pack, some anticipated Van Isle style bush-whacking, and challenging (moist snow) ski conditions, the day went quite smoothly.

DS_140228_5121DS_140228_5121 Almost considered pulling the plug at this point (about 15minutes in) but perseverance paid off.

DS_140228_5122DS_140228_5122 DS_140228_5129DS_140228_5129 Suns out... DS_140228_5130DS_140228_5130 DS_140228_5131-EditDS_140228_5131-Edit Looking east, Sproat Lake covered in Fog. DS_140228_5132-EditDS_140228_5132-Edit DS_140228_5134-EditDS_140228_5134-Edit DS_140228_5136-EditDS_140228_5136-Edit DS_140228_5140-EditDS_140228_5140-Edit DS_140228_5145-EditDS_140228_5145-Edit DS_140228_5160-EditDS_140228_5160-Edit DS_140228_5163-EditDS_140228_5163-Edit DS_140228_5176DS_140228_5176 DS_140228_5177-EditDS_140228_5177-Edit DS_140228_5184-EditDS_140228_5184-Edit DS_140228_5201DS_140228_5201 DS_140228_5205DS_140228_5205 DS_140228_5207-eDS_140228_5207-e DS_140228_5209DS_140228_5209 DS_140228_5221DS_140228_5221

See a previous trip in this area here.

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Vancouver Island backcountry skiing https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/3/pogo-mountain Mon, 03 Mar 2014 06:48:20 GMT
Bikes, Beers, Burritos 2013 part 3 https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/2/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-3 Last three days or riding were spent in the Oakridge area, I think we just scratched the surface of the epic riding potential around here.  This place is a "gem" 

DS_131011_3267DS_131011_3267 No shortage on roadside scenery in oregon

Moon Point and Youngs Rock
23.8kms shuttle, 587m gain 1397m loss, 2.5 hours

DS_131011_3277DS_131011_3277 "Trailhead's about a mile from here"

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Day 8 Alpine, Tire mtn and Cloverpatch
39.1km shuttle, 1493m gain, 2449m loss 4.5 hours

DS_131012_3342DS_131012_3342 DS_131012_3353DS_131012_3353 DS_131012_3365DS_131012_3365 DS_131012_3369DS_131012_3369 DS_131012_3372DS_131012_3372 DS_131012_3374DS_131012_3374 DS_131012_3378DS_131012_3378 DS_131012_3384DS_131012_3384 DS_131012_3391DS_131012_3391 DS_131012_3399DS_131012_3399 DS_131012_3405DS_131012_3405 DS_131012_3406DS_131012_3406 Big day, 8 days later tiredness is showing. DS_131012_3412DS_131012_3412 DS_131012_3414DS_131012_3414 DS_131012_3420DS_131012_3420 DS_131013_3429DS_131013_3429 Downtown Oakridge

Day 9 Heckletooth
22.3km shuttle, 805m gain, 1500m loss 2hours 25min

DS_131013_3432DS_131013_3432 DS_131013_3444DS_131013_3444 DS_131013_3455DS_131013_3455 DS_131013_3467DS_131013_3467 DS_131013_3472DS_131013_3472 DS_131013_3471DS_131013_3471 DS_131013_3480DS_131013_3480 DS_131013_3482DS_131013_3482 20131013_16352420131013_163524 20131014_12432620131014_124326 Bye bye for now USA, we'll be back!


Go to: part 1, part 2

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Oregon mountain biking https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2014/2/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-3 Thu, 20 Feb 2014 21:03:36 GMT
Bikes, Beers, Burritos 2013 part 2 https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/11/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-2 Oregon! Miles and miles of beautiful singletrack in national forests with old growth and paved logging road access, and overwhelming options of good cheap beer...


Dirty Fingers Bike Shop in Hood River has beer on tap they offered some solid advice on a ride plan in Mount Hood National Forest.

Day 4 Mt. Hood national forest, Eight Mile and Fifteen Mile loops
37km loop 1205m gain/loss
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On the verge of complete exhaustion after climbing back out of the fifteen mile loop and way behind the rest of the crew this was the weather.
DS_131008_2771DS_131008_2771 The sun came out at the end of the ride to warm up our frozen hands and feet and enjoy a post ride bevy. DS_131008_2788DS_131008_2788
Day 5 Mckenzie River Trail, OR
35kms shuttle 530m gain 1013m loss
A hearty breakfast stop in Sisters, Oregon
DS_131009_2884DS_131009_2884 Sections of the McKenzie River trail are carved into volcanic rock, made for some of the more "techy" riding of the trip and a couple flat tires.
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Day 6 Bend, Tiddlywinks, South Fork, Funner - grand tour
60.6kms loop plus low pickup on Funner 1253m gain 1526m loss bend cafebend cafe
Waiting for breakfast at the local cafe

Tiddlywinks had a bike park feel to it: super buff, lots of air time and big fast berms

DS_131010_3158DS_131010_3158 DS_131010_3175DS_131010_3175 DS_131010_3178DS_131010_3178 DS_131010_3184DS_131010_3184 The lunch burrito never tasted so good!

DS_131010_3195DS_131010_3195 DS_131010_3222DS_131010_3222 everything here is just a mile or two away

DS_131010_3235DS_131010_3235 DS_131010_3248DS_131010_3248 Beauty sky to end our biggest day of riding on the trip


Part 1 here, Stay tuned for Part three: Facebook or Twitter

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Oregon mountain biking https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/11/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-2 Mon, 18 Nov 2013 22:24:43 GMT
Bikes, Beers, Burritos 2013 part 1 https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/11/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-1 The third annual Bikes, Beers, and Burritos tour was this past October.  This year the crew decided to explore some of the riding a bit closer to home (sorry Outerbike, we missed you).  For a 10 day trip we managed to squeeze 9 days of riding in logging close to 300 kilometers of (mostly) singletrack.  This trip was all about the riding, stopping for photos was low on everyones priority list, opportunities presented themselves during short breaks, flat tires and mechanicals.  My goal was to capture at least a couple images of each ride.


After a 2 hour traffic delay at the border crossing we finally made it into Washington

Day 1 Bellingham, WA Galbraith Mountain Trails
20km loop, 790m elevation gain and loss


Bellingham to the west


Mount Baker to the east


Great trails in between



No shortage of fast fun flowy riding, this turned out to be the theme of the trip.


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Off to Leavenworth we go

Day 2 Leavenworth, WA
9.5km loop, 633m elevation gain/loss
Freund trail "Variation"
12.1km loop, 765m gain/loss

DS_131006_2385-pDS_131006_2385-p DS_131006_2387DS_131006_2387

spot the riders



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No shortage of beautifully sculpted berms in Washington

Day 3 Mt Saint Helens, Ape Canyon- Plains of Abraham
35.3km loop, 1019m gain/loss

Weather was not looking promising for a day in the alpine


The road was closed about 5km's from the trailhead due to a recent washout (or maybe the government shutdown)... we went for it anyway.


Follow that rainbow


The old growth forest of the PNW is _________


Riding the line between thousand year old trees and total destruction

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This was our turnaround point, high winds, rain, a bit of hail, and we hadn't yet gotten to the "Windy Ridge"


Happy to see a bit of sun on the retreat

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Back down to the trailhead took no time at all



Perfect finish to the day in Hood River


Part two here

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Washington mountain biking https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/11/bikes-beers-burritos-2013-part-1 Sat, 09 Nov 2013 21:44:00 GMT
Maple Syrup opening day https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/10/maple-syrup-opening-day The Cowichan Trail Stewardship Society opened their first official and legal trail on Maple Mountain.  What a great day for a ride on some beautiful fresh trail...

DS_131026_001DS_131026_001Great turnout for the event, roughly 200 people showed up

Great turnout for the event, roughly 200 people showed up for the ride.


Seamus Mcgrath

I joined up with Seamus Mcgrath for the ride, we managed to stop a few times, not an easy task on such a fun trail.



Some stunning bridge work went into this.




Maple trees on Maple Syrup on Maple Mountain in Maple bay...






More berms.



Rock rolls to berms.



Nice little rest stop about 2/3rds of the way down, water and energy balls were helpful, this trail is not all downhill.

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/10/maple-syrup-opening-day Sun, 27 Oct 2013 05:39:08 GMT
2013 Qualicum Beach Triathlon https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/6/2013-qualicum-beach-triathlon DS_130623_033DS_130623_033


Photos are up from this past weekends event (click here)!


[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/6/2013-qualicum-beach-triathlon Tue, 25 Jun 2013 02:41:50 GMT
Twelve Hours of Cumberland https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/6/twelve-hours-of-cumberland Had the opportunity to race in a team of 4 this past weekend in Cumberland.  The event is in its tenth year and helps raise funds for the local mountain bike club United Riders of Cumberland (UROC).  The course was short and super fun with lap times in the 19-26 minute range.  I had some breaks over the 12 hours and took some time to photograph a bit of the day. 

More photos at: www.davesilverphotography.com/events/2013-thc

DS_130615_0233 A solid turnout of over 130 riders

DS_130615_0238 My team mate Ryan showing off his well bandaged wound from a previous race

DS_130615_0250 The rest of my team, Jen and Miranda all fresh and ready to go at 8am

DS_130615_0357 Ryan, charging on course

DS_130615_0371 The next generation of rippers were well represented

DS_130615_0470 UROC held a trail maintenance day the previous week to the event and the trails were in fine shape


Fast flowy fun on Space Nugget


A clean bike is a happy bike

DS_130615_0589 Big solo field

DS_130615_0619 Justin looking way to fresh after taking the win with his wife in the team of 2 mixed


Sam feeling the effects of 12 hours on his bike

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More images can be seen here

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/6/twelve-hours-of-cumberland Wed, 19 Jun 2013 04:59:34 GMT
2013 Mountain Bike Tourism Symposium https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/5/2013-mountain-bike-tourism-symposium  

More photos from the event can be viewed at: davesilverphotography.com/events/2013-mbta-symposium

DS_130529_75762 The Delegates of the Mountain Bike Tourism Symposium




Meeting up for the Harbourview ride on Sunday




Mount Quimper Harbourview trails




Summit of Mt. Quimper  FM Radio trail




Some of the freshly updated trail at the base of Harbourview.




Ted Tempany using the bike wash at Harbourview




Reception at the Sooke Museum




Martin Littlejohn welcoming the delegates




Trailbuilders panel, Phil McIntyre-Paul, Ted Tempany, Daniel Scott, Thomas Schoen and Mark Wood




Chief Gordon Planes and Lorien Arnold, panel on First Nations and Mountain Biking Tourism




Panel Discussion - woman in mountain biking: Lorraine Blancher, Kelli Sherbinin, Danielle Baker and Deanne Lazaruk




Nina Cairns on the Broom Hill trails




Brett Tippie on the Broom Hill trails




2013 Mountain Bike Tourism Association board members



[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/5/2013-mountain-bike-tourism-symposium Sat, 01 Jun 2013 03:12:21 GMT
Van Isle Backcountry Festival https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/2/van-isle-backcountry-festival Last weekends event hosted at Mount Cain was a fundraiser for the Vancouver Island Avalanche Bulletin put on with help from Outdoor Van Isle and Island Alpine Guides.  I kept busy Saturday morning in the IAG tent signing people up and collecting donations for ACMG guided educational backcountry laps.  In the afternoon I was fortunate enough to join in on a lap with a group to ski the Dream Chute as a "tail guide/photographer".  After the lifts closed down a raffle with thousands of dollars worth of sweet prizes from generous sponsors, then a steak and prawn dinner followed by an epic outdoor dance party with four DJ's spinning into the early hours of Sunday.  The weekend continued on with more skiing and touring, blue skies, stoked skiers and snowboarders and recovering partyers.  There was so much going on during the weekend it was hard to be everywhere to document it everything (especially when the skiing was so good!) it's definitely a must see event.

DS_130210_72003 Stunning views from the village to wake up to in the morning, Mount Cain (left) and Mount Abel right.

DS_130210_71992 Guided tours were in high demand, people were lined up within minutes of the tent going up.

DS_130210_72050 Cliff (dark green jacket), a guide from IAG discusses our plan with the group

DS_130210_72048 Our proposed route

DS_130210_72097 Hiking up the bed surface and over the old fracture line proved to be an efficient route.

DS_130210_72114P Cliff leading the pack with Cain's summit behind.

DS_130210_72108 Looking back at the ski area and our traverse line across the "East Bowl".


DS_130210_72137 The wind was blowing hard for some of the approach.

DS_130210_72145 Tele drop into the Dream Chute.

DS_130210_72185P In total 16 people skied the line and all were stoked!


DS_130210_72207 Traversing back to the village through the old growth.

DS_130210_72214 Back just in time for the raffle


DS_130210_72277 People walked away with some really sweet prizes

DS_130210_72293 and a beauty sunset.

DS_130210_72315 Volunteers worked hard all day to dial in the party site with a multi level dance floor, firepit and a DJ Booth (with lasers).



DS_130210_72388 A very successful event indeed, over $4000 raised for the bulletin, Mount Cain broke their previous record in lift ticket sales and a truly amazing vibe from everyone all weekend long.  Can't wait for next years festival!   Check out the Van Isle Backcountry Festival website

The rest of the photos from the weekend can be viewed here



[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/2/van-isle-backcountry-festival Thu, 14 Feb 2013 00:53:53 GMT
Maitland Range Recon https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/1/maitland-range-recon Pogo MountainDS_130120_6736 Pogo Mountain

DS_130120_6741 Steamboat Mountain in the distance

DS_130120_6751 Unnamed? peak to the west of Pogo

DS_130120_6753 Skinning along the Kennedy River

DS_130120_6761 Snag lake and more of the Maitland range

DS_130120_6763 Bootpacking up the north ridge of Pogo


Some rock hard pillows on the way down



DS_130120_6805 Logging road skate ski

DS_130120_6808 Adder Mountain

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) backcountry landscapes skiing https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/1/maitland-range-recon Wed, 23 Jan 2013 17:54:52 GMT
Hurley Pass sled skiing https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/1/hurley-pass-sled-skiing Recently had the opportunity to go snowmobile skiing in the Hurley Pass area northwest of Pemberton BC in the South Chilcotin mountains.  I was able to "borrow" a 2013 Skidoo Summit X, it only had 100 kms on it when I started!  Day started out clear and cold, -20 C in the parking area, fortunately there was a bit of an inversion and more comfortable temps in the alpine.  Great stability and nice soft powder on some of the aspects made for a great day of sledding and skiing, even got a quick tour in while up there.

DS_130113_1337 Grand total of 7 machines and 8 people.

DS_130113_1338 All bundled up ready to go

DS_130113_1341 On the Hurley

DS_130113_1343 Stoked!

DS_130113_1362 Snow quality was pretty good

DS_130113_1369 Lunch break, we worked this zone pretty good.



DS_130113_1375 Clouds rolled in later in the day

DS_130113_1384 Dave Norona is always stoked


[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) backcountry skiing snowmobile https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2013/1/hurley-pass-sled-skiing Wed, 16 Jan 2013 03:46:29 GMT
Beaufort range https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/12/beaufort-range This little mountain range running between Port Alberni and Cumberland does not look like much from the highway but I have wanted to check it out on skis for quite a while now.  It can be a challenge to access as the road is gated and most often closed.  Some of us have been keeping an eye on one of the main access points and have seen it open fairly regularly during the week, we thought it would be a good opportunity to get up there and check it out.  

Ski tour on the logging roadDS_121207_1203 We were able to get fairly high on the logging roads before the snow was too deep to continue in the vehicles.  It made for an easy approach...

Skinning up with Hornby and Denman in the backgroundDS_121207_1211 Heading up you are treated to some great views of Denman and Hornby Island if the visibility allows



DS_121207_1226 Some spectacular old growth patches remain untouched in limited places on the Island



DS_121207_1261 A couple mini couloirs will make for some great lines off the summit once filled in a bit more.

DS_121207_1266 Sweet playground

DS_121207_1280 No shortage of steep lines to ski around here


DS_121207-Panorama Looking forward to return here a bit later in the season with a deeper snowpack!

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/12/beaufort-range Sun, 09 Dec 2012 02:07:30 GMT
Winter Stoke https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/11/winter-stoke Winter is on its way, the snowline is creeping down and some lucky people are getting out in the mountains for their first turns of the season.  Thought I would share a few images from a highlight ski tour in Strathcona park last winter.  Mount Jutland was the goal of the trip and  with 5 keen skiers we set up a base camp at Circlet lake to explore the lines on the mountain over a weekend last March.

Albert Edward- Jutland ColDS_120317_Panorama Albert Edward Jutland Ridge line.

Crossing Lake Helen MackenzineDS_120317_012 Crossing Lake Helen Mackenzine on approach

Paradise MeadowsDS_120317_021 Paradise meadows and Castlecraig Mountain

Castlecraig MountainDS_120317_033 Castlecraig

Albert Edward and ReganDS_120317_040 Albert Edward and Regan

DS_120318_081 Climbing from Circlet lake


Albert Edward RidgelineDS_120318_087 Albert Edward and ReganDS_120318_ Panorama1 Albert Edward looking into the Strathcona park

Dropping inDS_120318_107 Dropping in

Circlet lakeDS_120318_114

Snow CampingDS_120317_068 Home for the night


[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) backcountry photography skiing https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/11/winter-stoke Mon, 12 Nov 2012 23:11:23 GMT
Beers, Bikes, Burritos! https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/10/moab-adventures Since the BC Bike Race in July (photos here) it has been one of the busiest summers for me. Between various local photo work and taking important time to be with my wife and daughter I had the opportunity to spend the month of August on the road shooting three consecutive mountain biking trips.  The images and stories from these trips will be trickling out in the near future (one of them is here ). September saw more local work and catching up.  Last week I hit the road to Utah for the second year in a row with a few friends to view and demo some of the 2013 mountain bikes at Outerbike and most importantly ride some great desert singletrack.  While the priority was on riding (all I packed was my D700 body with 50mm 1.4 lens) I did manage to capture a few images:Mountain biking  the Slickrock trail in MoabDS_121003_0045 Mountain biking  the Slickrock trail in MoabDS_121003_0047

Martin Ready of Island Mountain Rides on the Slickrock bike trail.


Mountain bikers on the Slickrock trail in MoabDS_121003_0058 Panoramic photo of the Colorado River in MoabDS_121003_Panorama Mountain biking  the Slickrock trail in MoabDS_121003_0069

Ross looking for any sign of shade.

Mountain biking  the Slickrock trail in MoabDS_121003_0073 DS_121003_0095

Shade break.


Ryan and Frank climbing the steeps.


Jeremy working the Singlespeed.



Early morning shuttle to "The Whole Enchilada" trail


Shuttled to 10,300ft, pedal/hike to 11,200ft followed by 7000ft of 'down country'

Mountain biker climbing to Burro Pass, Whole Enchilada Moab UtahDS_121004_0159

Frank working his lungs in the La Sal's

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Enjoying the top of the pass


Jeremy and Jeff Dropping in on 7000ft of trail.

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Ross pretty much sums it up

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Moab Slickrock mountain biking https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/10/moab-adventures Thu, 11 Oct 2012 20:15:55 GMT
2012 BC Bike Race is coming very soon! https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/6/2012-bc-bike-race-is-coming-soon Meetings, course scouting, trail maintenance, e-mails, phone calls...  It's all building up for the sixth edition of the seven day BC Bike Race starting on July 1 in Cumberland BC.  I have had the fortune to watch and document the event since day one.  Event week is something I look forward to every year with excitement and anticipation, this year is no different.  If you want to see images from past years you will find the galleries have  been updated.

Some images from a course designers meeting in Cumberland last month, Its a great opportunity to sample some of the local riding for the crew and also get in a little trail maintenance session.

Enjoying the views in Cumberlands backyardDS_120515_001 Enjoying the views on the way up to Bear Buns trail in Cumberland's back yard.


Martin Ready dropping into Bear BunsDS_120515_004 Martin Ready dropping into Bear Buns


Connor Macleod on Bear BunsDS_120515_009 Connor Macleod experiencing Cumberland's riding for the fist time.

Connor put together an excellent short film of the weekend on pinkbike.


Riding through the stumpDS_120515_011 New trail: Potluck, yes, you get to ride through a stump!


Jeremy Grasby on some fresh CedarDS_120515_015 Jeremy riding some freshly cut cedar.


Greg on Thirsty BeaverDS_120515_024 Greg taking a break from the Waverly kitchen for a little Thirsty Beaver


Post ride at TarbellsDS_120515_029 Post ride at Tarbells


Getting down to businessDS_120515_034 Getting down to business


Martin Ready bringing the tools into Space NuggetDS_120516_037 Martin Ready bringing the tools into Space Nugget for a trail maintenance session



Andreas and Jeremy laying down some baseDS_120516_042 Andreas and Jeremy building up the base


Testing the new lineDS_120516_047 Testing out the new line


Martin Ready on Space NuggetDS_120516_049 Martin Ready giving his approval





[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) BC Bike Race mountain biking trail maintenance https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/6/2012-bc-bike-race-is-coming-soon Sat, 23 Jun 2012 17:16:03 GMT
Welcome back! https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/6/chamonix After exclusively using Facebook the past couple of years, the blog was completely neglected.  Unfortunately at one point during a host changeover I managed to loose all of my original posts and shut it down.  I am working on improving that with a goal of adding as much content as possible (new and old favorites).   Feel free to comment and let me know what you would like to see more of.  You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (don't forget to like or follow!).

For this first post I thought I would share some of my favorite images from a recent trip to Chamonix France.  This was the first stop on a month long tour around Europe with my wife Taryn and our 3 month old daughter Anika.  We arrived in Chamonix with warm weather and clear skies which allowed for three days of spring skiing and touring.  I was overwhelmed with the ease of access to the alpine, beauty of the landscape, and the potential skiing and climbing opportunities of the area.  Thanks to Jamie from Doglotion for showing us around for a couple of days and Jeff who joined me from Nanaimo for this part of the trip.

[email protected] (Dave Silver Photography) Chamonix landscapes skiing spring https://www.davesilverphotography.com/blog/2012/6/chamonix Tue, 19 Jun 2012 20:25:09 GMT